4/05: KA18 Ice Cream Sony released & updated changelog in 3rd post
KA18 Ice Cream Sony
Please hit the thx button if you like my rom
I can keep my Neo and continue development Post 814 Neo thread
Dear Arc/Arc S users,
KA18 Ice Cream Sony
Please hit the thx button if you like my rom
I can keep my Neo and continue development Post 814 Neo thread
Dear Arc/Arc S users,
I made a github page, if you find any bugs or issues please report them there. github bug reporting
2nd post
FAST và Mượt
- Root hoàn toàn
- Âm thanh được cải thiện
- 100% Pin
- bao gồm Kernel
- Trượt ngang xóa thông báo
Quảng cáo
- Bao gồm Gaps
- Sử dụng từ chính fw offical
- Facebook Inside Xperia
- Timescape
- Bravia Engine, xLoud
- Wifi Direct
- SystemUI with widgets
- Face-unlock feature
- New home.apk
- New music, digital clock and analog clock widget
- New default themes
- Some Bloatware Removed
Quảng cáo
- Stripped of some useless SE apps
- Lightly themed
- Customized Statusbar Icons with ICS icons
- Very battery friendly
- All Gapps updated {Included ones}
== download == KA18 ==
Installation won't wipe data anymore
- Arc & Arc S: KA18 Ice Cream Sony XDA fileserver
- mediafire: KA18 Ice Cream Sony mediafire Coming soon
- Flashtool package: Flashtool package This includes baseband .70 and userdata etc from official ICS
- Latest Flashtool: Flashtool Extract and replace all files in C:/Flashtool (or your custom installation location)
- Read installation instructions before installing anything!!
I kindly ask everyone not to mirror my download links. Thank you
Nguồn: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1539752
Anh em vào thưởng thức rồi report nhé, mới tung ra hôm nay :x.. bản ROM tuyệt vời