thread close
- Google Base JRO03E
- Kernel Devil rc5
- Update Power Controls
- Update Host file
- Mem Tweaks
- Rep TTS voice
- Fix SystemUi 3G/H/G
- Sistem Nexus S (Lib's, app's & framework)
- Wifi Tethering
- Posible fix (desconexión datos)
- Fix speed & but
- Symlink media / fonts files
- Fixing Datadata partition
- CWM 6
- Update lib's from Nexus S
- Ota app
- Fixed's SP2 incluidos
- Latest Gapps incluides
- Google Now
- Camara Fix
- More space in "system" 71,6 MB Free
- SuperSU
- Advanced Power Menu
- Sd Card Interna / Externa
- Aceleration HW 3D Nexus S
- Power Control (Power Widgets Status Bar)
- Bluetooth / Wifi / GSM / Datos / SMS / MMS / GPS
- Nstools
- AppBackup
- Tweaks
- Dpi 210
- Original tones
- Facebook Sync
- Framework Reedit
Radio GSM / Módem:
KF1 (Perfectly Changes 2g to 3g)
Sdcard extern doesnt mount to PC