Id của mình bị disabled, gửi lên apple thi nó reply, đọc xong là hiểu lun 😔( , do hum bữa co topic tặng code thế là xjn fifa12 xong redeem lun :((
Không biết có dịch vụ nào giúp enable Id ko, giúp mình vs
Hello Minhnhat,
Thank you for bringing this to our attention. My name is Harold from iTunes Store Support Team and I'll be taking the initiative to look onto this issue for you.
I understand that you would like your account reenabled in order for you to regain access of it. I also believe how confusing this issue is for you. I'm sure you're incredibly eager to get this issue resolved and I will be here to provide you the information that you need regarding this matter.
Không biết có dịch vụ nào giúp enable Id ko, giúp mình vs
Hello Minhnhat,
Thank you for bringing this to our attention. My name is Harold from iTunes Store Support Team and I'll be taking the initiative to look onto this issue for you.
I understand that you would like your account reenabled in order for you to regain access of it. I also believe how confusing this issue is for you. I'm sure you're incredibly eager to get this issue resolved and I will be here to provide you the information that you need regarding this matter.
Minhnhat, I have made a little investigation, and I wound out that your account was disabled because the card holder whose card purchased the iTunes Gift Certificates redeemed to your account has refuted the charges with his or her credit card company. The buyer will need to contact the credit card company to discuss the disputed purchase.
Please note that because your account was disabled, you will lose the ability to update applications purchased with this account.
For information about Apple's right to close customer accounts, please see the iTunes Store Terms of Sale:
Fortunately, ou will still be able to play all of the items that were purchased with that account, and you may certainly continue to purchase from the iTunes Store by creating a new account.
I hope for your utmost understanding and thank you very much for your patience regarding this issue. Thank you very much for keeping in touch with the Apple's iTunes Store and take care always, Minhnhat.
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