sbb ramai dok tanya cmne nak bg bateri bp2 lbih tahan. Apa apps sistem yg kita bleh buang dr BP2 ni utk kurangkan penggunaan RAM, disamping FREEkan internal space.
Di sini aq senaraikan apps sistem dlm BP2 ni secara detail.
Korang tgk la mana yg sesuai/ tak sesuai dibuang.
(Bloatware= apps yg sedia terinstall dlm sistem hepon android kita tp xdiperlukan pon sebenarnya)
Quote:Cmne nk tgk senarai2 ni?
1- root hepon
2- install root explorer
3- bukak/root/system/app
(smua ada dlm ni)
(dlm BI la yek. bru standard antarabangsa skit. hehe)
(ActivityNetwork) - "Network Diagnose Tool"
= Record network logging using tcpdump (as well as some tests such as ping, etc.) on the sd-card, in the folder / mnt / sdcard / mtklog / netlog, called from the engineering menu item "SystemLog-> NetLog" or "SystemLog-> Common UI-> [Network Test]"
- EngineerMode
* if you plan to use the functionality of testing - can be removed
(ApplicationsProvider) - "Supplier of search tools"
= Provides a list of applications installed on your phone, you need to search queries
- GoogleQuickSearchBox
- QuickSearchBox
* not removed, it is necessary for the normal operation
com.mediatek.atci.service - "Atci_serice"
= A service that provides access to application functions FMRadio GN_MMITest
* if you do not plan to use the test FM radio of GN_MMITest - can be removed
(BackupRestoreConfirmation) - ""
= Prompts the user if an application tries to perform a backup / restore
- framework (services.odex)
* delete as desired (I have myself removed)
(Browser) - "Browser"
- Contacts
- DownloadProvider
- Email
- framework
- Gallery2
- GMail
- GoogleQuickSearchBox
- LatinIME
- Launcher2
- Mms
- MTKAndroidSuiteDaemon
- Phonesky
- QuickSearchBox
- Stk1
- Stk2
- Talk
- VoiceSearch
* standard browser, if you use an alternative - you can delete
(Calculator) - "Calculator"
* system performance is not affected - to delete at will
(Calendar) - "Calendar"
- CalendarImporter
- CalendarProvider
- Email
- Exchange
- framework
- GoogleCalendarSyncAdapter
- GoogleLoginService
- Launcher2
- MTKAndroidSuiteDaemon
com.mediatek.calendarimporter - "VCalendar"
- Calendar
- MtkBt
* I have myself removed, calendar while working (but I'm not using any sync with a computer or with google)
(CalendarProvider) - "Calendar memory"
- Calendar
- GoogleCalendarSyncAdapter
* not removed, if you use a calendar, it is necessary for it to work
com.mediatek.connectivity - "Common Data Service"
= information networks (GSM, WiFi), view configuration, interfaces, amount of data transferred, as well as tests associated with it, is called from the engineering menu item "CDS Information"
- EngineerMode
- LocationEM
* benchmark tool, if you do not plan to use it - you can delete
com.mediatek.CellConnService - "CellConnectionService"
- Contacts
- Mms
- Phone
- Settings
- StkSelection
* better not to remove, is required for normal work (including something to do with the choice of SIM)
(CertInstaller) - "The installer certification"
- framework
- KeyChain
- Settings
* need to install certificates from SD-card - removing optional
(Contacts) - "Phonebook"
- Calendar
- ContactsProvider
- Email
- Exchange
- framework
- GoogleContactsSyncAdapter
- GoogleLoginService
- GoogleQuickSearchBox
- Launcher2
- Maps_hdpi
- Mms
- MTKAndroidSuiteDaemon
- MtkBt
- Phone
- QuickSearchBox
- Talk
- VoiceSearch
* do not delete, you need to use your phone
(ContactsProvider) - "Storage contacts"
* do not delete, you need to use your phone
(DefaultContainerService) - "Master of access packages"
- DownloadProvider
- framework (services)
- Settings
(DeskClock) - "Clocks"
- framework (services)
- MediaProvider
- VoiceSearch
(DownloadProvider) - "Download Manager"
- DownloadProviderUi
- framework (services)
* runs through it application download store, when you click "download",
is also used in a standard browser when downloading files, where possible,
something else - it is better not to remove
(DownloadProviderUi) - "Downloads"
- DownloadProvider
* Graphic inrerfeys to Download Manager - it is better not to remove
(DrmProvider) - "Storage content protected by DRM"
(Email) - "E-mail"
- CalendarImporter
- Contacts
- Exchange
- framework (services)
- GN_ZoomClipView
- LatinIME
- Launcher2
- MediaUploader
- Mms
- MtkBt
- can be removed
com.mediatek.engineermode - "EngineerMode"
- ActivityNetwork
- framework (services)
- InternalEngineerMode
- MobileLog
- ModemLog
- Phone
- Settings
* engineering menu, if you do not plan to use - can be removed
(EngineerModeSim) - "EM ME SIM Lock"
Lock Management = SIM-cards is called from the engineering menu item "SIMMeLock"
- EngineerMode
* deleting the corresponding item does not work "SIMMeLock", other functional works
(Exchange) - "Service Exchange"
- CalendarImporter
- CalendarProvider
- Contacts
- Email
* need to work with the mail through the protocol Exchange, if you do not plan to use - can be removed
(FaceLock) - "Face control"
- framework (framework)
- Settings
* One of the methods of the lock screen, if you do not plan to use - can be removed
com.mediatek.FMRadio - "FM-radio"
- AtciService
- EngineerMode
- framework
- GN_MMITest
- Music
* FM-radio - it is better to leave
(Galaxy4) - "Black Hole"
* version of "living wallpaper" if you do not plan to use this option - you can delete
(Gallery2) - "Gallery"
- Launcher2
- MediaProvider
* Standard Gallery, if you do not plan to use - you can delete
(but will not run the task on images contact from the phone book,
although the image can be set from a third-party viewer, such as QuickPic)
(Gmail) - "Gmail"
- EngineerMode
- EngineerModeSim
- LatimIME
- Launcher2
- MediaUploader
- Talk
- VoiceSearch
* if you do not plan to use - can be removed
(GoogleBackupTransport) - "Google Backup Transport"
- Calendar
- framework (services)
- GoogleLoginService
* I have myself removed, Market and YouTube are working
(GoogleCalendarSyncAdapter) - "Google Calendar Sync"
= sync calendar with guglovoy uchetka
* if you do not plan to use - can be removed
(GoogleContactsSyncAdapter) - "Sync Google Contacts"
= contact synchronization guglovoy uchetka
* if you do not plan to use - can be removed
(GoogleFeedback) - "Market Review"
= Sending error reports to Google (maybe even some functional)
- GoogleServicesFramework
- Phonesky
* I have myself removed, Market and YouTube are working
(GoogleLoginService) - "Google Accounts"
= Support guglovoy uchetki
- GoogleServicesFramework
- GoogleTTS
- MediaUploader
- SetupWizard
- YouTube
* for machinery and market SetupWizard necessary to reset the phone if
you can run when you first turn SetupWizard at the next step will be fall and
the phone will remain in this state smile_good.gifor close or anything
to do with it does not, one might say - is needed for the job, do not delete
(GooglePartnerSetup) - "Setting up Google Partner"
- Browser
- GoogleQuickSearchBox
* terrible Tulsa smile_good.gif, presumably for rolling applications with
the knowledge of Google's transparent to the user, I have removed myself first of all,
I needed functionality is not affected
(GoogleQuickSearchBox) - "Google Search"
= Guglopoisk, as well as "fixed gear" widget desktop search
- Browser
- Maps_hdpi
- VoiceSearch
* I have myself removed, use a search from the browser, and the search bar disappears from the desktop , delete at will
(GoogleServicesFramework) - "Google Services Framework"
- Gmail
- GoogleBackupTransport
- GoogleCalendarSyncAdapter
- GoogleContactsSyncAdapter
- GoogleFeedback
- GoogleLoginService
- GooglePartnerSetup
- GoogleQuickSearchBox
- GoogleTTS
- Maps_hdpi
- MediaUploader
- NetworkLocation
- Phonesky
- Settings
- SetupWizard
- Talk
- VoiceSearch
- YouTube
* I understand transport aplikuha of guglovyh services without YouTube only works if the market needs - leaving
(GoogleTTS) - "Speech Synthesizer Google"
- Maps_hdpi
* if you do not plan to use - can be removed
(HoloSpiralWallpaper) - "Holographic spiral"
* version of "living wallpaper" if you do not plan to use this option - you can delete
(HTMLViewer) - "HTMLViewer"
= HTML viewer
* if you do not plan to use - can be deleted, but it is convenient to the saved html-ku
(as well as straight from the apk-patches) to see through this tulzy, not through the browser
com.mediatek.internalem - "InternalEngineerMode"
= Test Tulsa
* if you do not plan to use - can be removed
(KeyChain) - "Basic chain"
- framework
(LatinIME) - "Android Keyboard"
- framework
- Maps_hdpi
- SettingsProvider
* even if a better alternative that is not removed in order to avoid problems when you reset your phone to factory settings
(Launcher2) - "Launcher"
- Browser
- EngineerMode
- framework
- GoogleQuickSearchBox
- Maps_hdpi
- MtkWorldClockWidget
- Phonesky
- QuickSearchBox
- Settings
- VoiceSearch
* standard launcher (desktop and a list of applications / widgets),
is necessary for the normal operation better to leave even if you use an alternative
(to avoid problems after sborosa data to the factory)
(LiveWallpapers) - "Live Wallpaper Android"
* standard set of "Live Wallpapers": water galaxy, neurons, polar watches, grass.
if you do not plan to use - can be removed
(LiveWallpapersPicker) - "Catalogue of live wallpapers"
* select the live wallpaper, it's better to leave - if you plan to use any hot "live wallpaper" - if not, you can delete
com.mediatek.lbs.em - "Location Engineer Mode"
= Status GPS (AGPS, EPO), the related tests and adjustment of engineering called the menu item "LocationBasedService"
- EngineerMode
* if you do not plan to use - can be removed
(MagicSmokeWallpapers) - "magic smoke"
* version of "living wallpaper" if you do not plan to use this option - you can delete
(Maps_hdpi) - "Maps"
- Gallery2
- GooglePartnerSetup
- GoogleQuickSearchBox
- VoiceSearch
* if you do not plan to use, or use alternative (Yandex, Navitel, iGo) - can be removed
(if that do not use Google+, etc. . google servis)
(MediaProvider) - "Storage Media"
= a minimum, access to data on a flash drive (maybe something else)
- DownloadProvider
- framework (services.odex)
* Delete if no application has access to the data on the flash card via a standard API,
is required for normal operation, do not delete
(MediaTekLocationProvider) - "MediaTekLocationProvider"
(MediaUploader) - "My Downloads"
- YouTube
* is used to download YouTube videos on your server, if you do not plan to use this functionality - you can delete
(Mms) - "SMS / MMS"
- Contacts
- framework (framework, services)
- Gallery2
- GoogleQuickSearchBox
- LatinIME
- Launcher2
- MTKAndroidSuiteDaemon
- Omacp
- Phone
- Settings
- SystemUI
- VoiceSearch
com.mediatek.mobilelog - "MobileLog"
= Writes logs of the radio module (GSM, bluetooth, etc) on the sd-card,
in the folder / mnt / sdcard / mtklog / mobilelog, called from the engineering menu item
"SystemLog-> MobileLog "or" SystemLog-> Common UI-> [Mobile Log] "
- EngineerMode
- framework (framework, services)
* test utility, you do not plan to use - can be removed
com.mediatek.mdlogger - "ModemLog"
= Writes logs to sd-card, in the folder / mnt / sdcard / mtklog / mdlog,
called from the engineering menu item "SystemLog-> ModemLog" or "SystemLog-> Common UI-> [ Log modem] "
- EngineerMode
- framework
* test utility, you do not plan to use - can be removed
(MTKAndroidSuiteDaemon) - "MTK Android Suite Daemon"
* Something to do with synchronization with a computer, probably the utility of MTK,
if you do not plan to use - can be removed
com.mediatek.bluetooth - "Bluetooth"
- framework (framework, services)
- Music
- Settings
* is required for bluetooth, do not delete
com.mediatek.thermalmanager - "MTK Thermal Manager"
= service temperature control nodes phone
- InternalEngineerMode
* think it is better not to remove
com.mediatek.weathersetting - "Weather"
com.mediatek.appwidget.worldclock - "World Time"
* widget, if you do not plan to use - can be removed
(Music) - "Music"
= Standard audio player
- AtciService
- FMRadio
- Gallery2
- GN_Camera
- GN_SoundRecorder
- GoogleQuickSearchBox
- Launcher2
- MediaProvider
- Mms
- Settings
- VisualizationWallpapers
(MusicFX) - "MusicFX"
= support for sound effects
- Settings
* better not to remove
(NetworkLocation) - "Network Location"
- LocationEM
- Maps_hdpi
- Settings
* Something to do with the definition of approximate location on cellular towers (LBS),
I have removed myself - , delete at will
(NoiseField) - "Bubbles"
* version of "living wallpaper" if you do not plan to use this option - you can delete
com.mediatek.omacp - ""
- Browser
- Email
- Exchange
- MediaProvider
- Mms
- Settings
* do not delete something to do with settings sent in an SMS, and not only
(as in the distance seem to fall off settings APN - Mobile Internet)
bersambung kat bawah....
(PackageInstaller) - "The installer package"
(PhaseBeam) - "The phase bundle"
option * "Live Wallpapers", you do not plan to use this option - you can delete
(Phone) - "Telephone"
- CellConnService
- Contacts
- EngineerMode
- GN_MMITest
- GoogleLoginService
- Mms
- Settings
- SetupWizard
- Stk1
- Stk2
- StkSelection
- TelephonyProvider
* actual dialer, do not deletesmile_good.gif
(Phonesky) - "Google Play Market"
- GoogleLoginService
- GooglePartnerSetup
- GoogleServicesFramework
- Launcher2
- Maps_hdpi
- YouTube
* if desired, can be removed if you do not use the Market (though something comfortable)
com.svox.pico - "Pico TTS"
= Text to Speech, pronunciation of the text
- framework
- Maps_hdpi
* if you do not plan to use - can be removed
(Protips) - "Tips for Managing Home screen"
- Launcher2
* if you do not plan to use - can be removed
(Provision) - ""
= Saves the configuration of the device was prepared (worked SetupWizard)
* without it, I'm fine works, including after a reset to factory settings - can be removed
(QuickSearchBox) - "Search"
- Browser
- VoiceSearch
* if you do not plan to use - can be removed
(Settings) - "Settings"
- CertInstaller
- DeskClock
- EngineerMode
- framework (android.policy, framework, secondary_framework, services)
- GoogleLoginService
- GoogleTTS
- Launcher2
- LocationEM
- MediaProvider
- Mms
- PackageInstaller
- Phone
- SetupWizard
* not removed, it is necessary for the normal operation of the phone
(SettingsProvider) - "Storage settings"
- framework (framework, services)
- GoogleBackupTransport
* not removed, it is necessary to use the phone normal
(SetupWizard) - "Setup Wizard"
- framework (android.policy, framework)
- LatinIME
- LatinIME
- Provision
* better not to remove, without it all works until the first reset the phone to factory settings,
then you can reset the to do this manually, but of sighted: the worst thing is for incoming calls
is automatically hang up, just long press on / off, there is only the "off" without profiles and the "flight mode"
(SharedStorageBackup) - ""
- framework (services)
* I have myself removed, use a backup recovery
(Stk1) - "SIM Menu"
- Launcher2
- Phone
- StkSelection
* not removed, it is necessary to operate the phone
(Stk2) - "Tools for SIM"
- Launcher2
- Phone
- StkSelection
* not removed, it is necessary to operate the phone
com.mediatek.StkSelection - "SIM Menu"
* is not removed, it is necessary to operate the phone
(SystemUI) - "Graphical Interface System"
= The upper panel of the status bar, the network icon, the battery and the clock
- framework
- Settings
* not removed, it is necessary to work phone
(Talk) - "Google Talk"
- GoogleServicesFramework
- LatinIME
* if you do not plan to use - can be removed
(TelephonyProvider) - "Memory Room / SMS / MMS"
- Mms
* not removed, it is necessary to operate the phone
(UserDictionaryProvider) - "User Dictionary"
* better to leave
(VisualizationWallpapers) - "Background: audiovizualization"
* version of "living wallpaper" if you do not plan to use this option - you can delete
(VoiceSearch) - "Voice Search"
= In addition to voice search allows voice data entry
- Gmail
- GooglePartnerSetup
- GoogleQuickSearchBox
- LatinIME
* if you do not plan to use - can be removed
(VpnDialogs) - "VpnDialogs"
- framework
(YouTube) - "YouTube"
- GooglePartnerSetup
- Maps_hdpi
- Phonesky
- VoiceSearch
* if you do not plan to use - can be removed, so you can remove from the system,
but how to install a custom (that updates replaced application, rather than rolled the second copy)
so before you delete apps better look under the quote and see where it still meets.
example: we want to remove CalendarProvider,
look who uses it: Calendar and GoogleCalendarSyncAdapter, ie after removal CalendarProvider,
most likely cease to function properly these two applications.
Although in some cases such a relationship is not critical.
Well used, but without it will work.
For example, in the case of YouTube, the removal of which does not entail the termination of health GooglePartnerSetup,
Maps_hdpi, Phonesky and VoiceSearch.
That is, in each case, you need to look and try ...
this information is provided as at least some basics
(such as infa in the internet is not very common, and, as can be useful),
and is not exhaustive ... as the availability of free time will be supplemented
(descriptions of applications, can I delete, etc.)
In this description reflect only my personal opinion / knowledge
(all famili GO also u can delete/remove if u dont like them).
sebarang masalah x diingini (jika berlaku) adalah tanggungjawab tuan hepon 2 sendiri, bukan anda
lakukan tanpa was2
Kaze PC ;D