ROM Lumiatrix^7.7 V4.2 by Vova1609
What is new:
-Windows Phone 8 Tiles (Cái ứng dụng thôi, không ăn thua, chỉ đề tạo giao điện đẹp như wp8)
-Wallpapers from iOS 6
-Network was returned to settings
-Bazaar 1.7 was installed
-touchWake was installed (Mở khóa màn hình bằng phím cứng)
-Keep Wifi Alive was installed (giữ kết nối wifi khi khóa màn hình)
You are not allowed to publish or use WP8 Tiles in your firmware! This application was developed by me(vova1609) and Alex White.
Link Mediafire: