Mình mới tìm được phần mềm luyện từ tiếng anh. Đặc biết nó chia theo chủ đề, giống trò hangMan
hangIELTS (Special Hangman game for IELTS)
Download free in App Store: http://itunes.apple.com/au/app/hangielts-special-hangman/id535116122?mt=8
Vocabulary is specially designed for IELTS' candidates
- IELTS academic sentences are provided
- Fun and addictive game
- Old school style
With the most popular topics in the IELTS test:
-Crime – Law - Social issue
-Education - Studying Aboard
-Science- Technology
-Money- Finance
-Fitness - Health
-Environment - The Earth
The word should be used in academic IELTS
The example sentences after each answer
more app in here: http://itunes.apple.com/au/artist/the-star/id530359519
hangIELTS (Special Hangman game for IELTS)
Download free in App Store: http://itunes.apple.com/au/app/hangielts-special-hangman/id535116122?mt=8
Vocabulary is specially designed for IELTS' candidates
- IELTS academic sentences are provided
- Fun and addictive game
- Old school style
With the most popular topics in the IELTS test:
-Crime – Law - Social issue
-Education - Studying Aboard
-Science- Technology
-Money- Finance
-Fitness - Health
-Environment - The Earth
The word should be used in academic IELTS
The example sentences after each answer
more app in here: http://itunes.apple.com/au/artist/the-star/id530359519