iOS 7 có 1 khuyết điểm nhỏ là status của màn hình khoá lại lớn hơn so với status của màn hình Home nhìn đôi lúc rất chướng mắt. Để khắc phục điều này các bạn cài tweak FREE - samestatus (Bigboss) nhé.
This little jailbreak tweak is a nice little fix for Apple's failure to keep the Status Bar font size consistent throughout iOS, and if you want to install it, it's available for free in Cydia's BigBoss repository right now.SameStatus is compatible with both 32-bit and 64-bit iOS 7 devices.
Name: SameStatus
Price: FREE
Version: 1.0-1
Requirements: iOS 7.0-7.0.4
Tested on: iPhone 5 running iOS 7.0.4
Repo: BigBoss
Developer: SkyFrost
This little jailbreak tweak is a nice little fix for Apple's failure to keep the Status Bar font size consistent throughout iOS, and if you want to install it, it's available for free in Cydia's BigBoss repository right now.SameStatus is compatible with both 32-bit and 64-bit iOS 7 devices.
Name: SameStatus
Price: FREE
Version: 1.0-1
Requirements: iOS 7.0-7.0.4
Tested on: iPhone 5 running iOS 7.0.4
Repo: BigBoss
Developer: SkyFrost