Sign Unsigned BiNPDA Files-Hacking Made Easy - BiNPDA
The most Simplest way possible..!!
In order to install "Unsigned" releases and hack your phone{i.e to view all private folder}, you need to go trough a one-time procedure.
You will need to run "SecMan.exe", This program allows you to install all unsigned files without signing them every time...
Please Read the Brief simplified procedure for using them accordingly..
Just follow 4 simple steps..
The most Simplest way possible..!!
In order to install "Unsigned" releases and hack your phone{i.e to view all private folder}, you need to go trough a one-time procedure.
You will need to run "SecMan.exe", This program allows you to install all unsigned files without signing them every time...
Please Read the Brief simplified procedure for using them accordingly..
Just follow 4 simple steps..
All the Tools needed are Attached below[Will be Released with every Unsigned app.], Thanks to BiNPDA !!
Lets start..
Step 1 :
Install the TRK application for your Respective phones using the list below..
s60_3_0_app_trk_2_8_6.sisx for SymbianOS9 devices WITHOUT FP1
s60_3_1_app_trk_2_8_6.sisx for SymbianOS9 devices WITH FP1
[FONT=Courier New]Pre-FP1 devices: ------------------- Nokia N77 Nokia E61i Nokia E65 Nokia N93i Nokia N91 8GB Nokia E62 Nokia E50 Nokia 5500 Nokia N93 Nokia N73 Nokia N80 Nokia N71 Nokia N92 Nokia E70 Nokia E60 Nokia E61 Nokia 3250 FP1 devices: --------------- Nokia 6124 classic Nokia N82 Nokia N95-3 NAM Nokia E51 Nokia N95 8GB Nokia N81 Nokia N81 8GB Nokia 6121 classic Nokia 6120 classic Nokia 5700 XpressMusic Nokia 6110 Navigator Nokia E90 Communicator Nokia N76 Nokia 6290 Nokia N95 [/FONT]
Now Connect your Phone Via USB in PC suite MODE
Quảng cáo
> Open TRK application from your phone, Select USB mode from settings
{Don't use Bluetooth Connect}
now you get the following screen..
Keep Metro TRK running on phone.
Step 2 :
Now Double Click on Secman.exe {attached below} and Follow Instructions..
You will get the following Screen :
Quảng cáo
Now Security manager will look for your com ports to which your phone has been connected..
If you Know your Port, select it and click NEXT..
If you Don't, then simply "Check" the Find Metro TRK ports automatically and click Next.
** TIP : To know Connected port
My Computer > Properties > Under Hardware Tab > Device Manager > Ports. { you will find your phone there }
Step 3 :
Security manager now install the "Secman" in your phone.
You will get following screen and then..
Step 4 :
Now the last and final part which is done using your phone..
> Open the Secman from your phone
Application is too simple to use..
"Turn Plat security OFF"
This option will Hack your phone in other words you will be able to enjoy the Symbian Freedom, like any other hacked phone you can Edit and move Private files n folders..
When your phone is hacked you see this screen :
You can " Turn plat security ON " when you are Done.
Now the Important part..
" Install Root certificate " With this you can install any unsigned file, you will not be prompted for any certificate errors during installation of unsigned files like Normal Signed files.
" Restore Default " This will Remove all Root certificates and Remove Capabilities, making you phone like you used to use your phone before hacking.
" Uninstall Secman " will remove it from your phone.
Please keep in mind, if you format / upgrade your phones firmware, you'll need to do steps 1 2 again and after that manually install those apps from Application Manager.
Benefits :
Your Phone is now Hacked plus
Now you can install Unsigned BiNPDA files and your Phone will not ask for Certificate errors and Blah blah..
No Certificates no symbiansigned... for BiNPDA releases!!
Enjoy the topnotch work of eminent Team BiNPDA- farhazadeeb