Khoái bản rom này, mỗi tội không có tiếng Việt và bộ gõ telex nên mình cook lại, chia sẻ để mọi người dùng thử nhé. Change log copy nguyên xin từ blog của bác TheOne luôn, mình chỉ thêm lang và type đồng thời remove các ngôn ngữ khác, chỉ giữ lại Anh-Việt.
-default settings changed
-homescreen settings/mods
-unlimited homescreen mod (max. 100)
-first homescreen can be deleted
-widget arrangement for three homescreens
-arrangement for portrait and landscape
-added The One background images
-default settings changed
-homescreen settings/mods
-unlimited homescreen mod (max. 100)
-first homescreen can be deleted
-widget arrangement for three homescreens
-arrangement for portrait and landscape
-added The One background images
-to "c:\data\_tools\backgrounds" fully removable
-menu arrangement (matrixmenudata.xml)
-predefined settings for
-screen saver
-mod to rename all profile names
-handset and speaker volume
-clock & calendar
-music player
-product improvement
-sw update
Quảng cáo
-messaging (sms & mms)
-apps updated/moved
-Nokia Belle FP1 Taskmanager
-Nokia FileBrowser v1.0.1
-added "Restart" application
-shared by syarmwawa, new icon by me
-Video & Photo Editor moved to rofs
-plugins for gallery integrated to uda
-OTA preinstalled
-Search Widget/Browser Search Plugins v3.2.7
-SMS Update v10.3
Quảng cáo
-german dictionary preinstalled
-added screen savers (thanks to M4C351)
-music player
-slide show
-added new widgets
-all new widgets modded for rofs2
-slighly renamed widgets
-better readability and looks
-widgets new/changed
-anna notifications
-contacts, communications
-flip clock
-"white/transparent" by Dima-zh1
-text clock
-"blue" by Syarmwawa
-small analogue clock
-small contact
-calendar, small agenda
-by Robo3737
-clock, small text (red)
-by Robo3737
-music player, small
-by Robo3737
-mail, compact
-by Robo3737
-browser mods
-removed all bookmarks
-removed default feeds
-added "The One Symbian Blog" feed
-resume downloads on browser-restart
-set browser cache to infinite
-set as default homepage
-toplevel domains (ch,com,net,org,de)
-camera-mods (photo)
-available resolutions modded:
-8MP (4:3) 95%
-6MP (16:9) 95%
-3MP (16:9) 100%
-1.3MP (4:3) 100%
-removed other resolutions
-camera mute option available
-extended zoom
-you can still install your prefered cameramod!
-camrea-mods (video)
-720p @ 30FPS, 256kbps Audio
-music player mods
-music player search E:\Music
-music player heap to 30MB
-increased max. volume
-more supported file formats for harvester
-increased max. volume for speaker
-equalizer mod
-metadata editor
-by coderus/chris_marsh
-improved sound parameters from anna
-by iExtraX7
-voice recorder mod
-720min recording @256kbps, stereo
-hacked by
-installserver.exe (with log)
-by coderus
-RomPatcher Plus v3.1
-domainsrv.exe in UDA
-by Il.Socio
-modded Anna icon
-unknown creator
-integrated patches
-c repository 4 all
-fmtx unlimited waiting time
-high level volume fix
-more sound in loudspeaker
-ChangeLayoutSize v.1.9
-alarm mod 2.0
-alarm tone duration set to 5min
-snooze notifications disabled
-by coderus
-java permission mod
-by coderus
-Log Extender (999 days)
-by coderus
-send protected files from default filebrowser
-CPU & GPU modded for better Performance and Batterylife
-kinetic scrolling improvement
-by ancelad
-faster screen rotation
-akncapserver mod
-faster task switcher opening
-save clipboard after reboot
-needs active "SaveClipboardAfterReboot.rmp" patch (rompatcher)
-by iExtraX7
-gprs/wifi connections in log
-by coderus & iExtraX7
-tacticle feedback in calls
-by ancelad
-rename apps in main menu
-by iExtraX7
-create subfolders in mainmenu
-by iExtraX7
-heap size & closing delay modified
-thanks to jibinmobile
-disabled active diverts
-by valek_zzz(?)
-modified swipolicy.ini
-"the one" splashscreen
-by shahspik
-disabled onscreen popups
-for new messages and missed calls
-show sent date for incoming mms
-default shows received date
-text messages up to 4590 characters
-not automatically converted to mms (default the limit is 1530)
-thanks to freaxs_r_us/nicesoni_ash
-modded default font
-added symbol support
-more symbols mod (5 pages)
-by contrinsan
-symbols for profiles and power button menu
-mods in c:\_tools\mods
-mods in this location
-808 User Agent 2.0
-Text under HS-Icons 2.0
-PopUp Modifier 1.0
-ScrollControl 1.0
-mods will be copied from z:\ to c:\ after first boot
-support for custom startup animation
-name and place your files on c:\ like this
-empty folder "c:\_tools\startup" created after first boot
-removed default startup animation & sound
-support for custom theme effects
-original effects are used by default!
-copy custom effects to "c:\data\_tools\effects\" ("c:\_tools\effects" with default file browser)
-empty folder "effects" created after first boot
-restart your device and they will work!
-removed stuff
-removed language files for english/german only
-kept original writing lanugauages
-nfc components
-apps removed from startup
-phonebook, messaging, calendar, clock, log, nfcserver
-MyNokia is disabled
-no Nokia Account activation at first boot
-fota cache to 0
-excluded some folders from gallery
-removed preinstalled apps
-Ovi Music
-Quick Office
-Adobe Reader LE
-JoikuSpot Light
-Psiloc World Traveler
-Nokia Store
-Nokia Social
-Microsoft Communicator
-Microsoft Apps
-default backgrounds
-cleand up core/rofs2/uda
-removed unnecessary files
-rearragend files
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