Tổng Hợp Game cho iPhone!! (Wifi user)

13/5/2008 6:32Phản hồi: 6
Trước tiên là danh sách toàn bộ các Sources để dễ tìm!!
(*Chú ý: cần cái nào mới add cái đó nha)

----[Dùng lệnh Ctr + F để Search Source cần tìm]----

Community Sources
BigBoss: thebigboss.org/repo.xml
Conceited Software: http://www.macminicolo.net/conceited/iphone/cache.plist
ModMyiFone.com: modmyifone.com/installer.xml
Ste Packaging:http://repo.smxy.org/iphone-apps/ (make sure you include the last /)

iPod Touch Fans: www.touchrepo.com/repo.xml

Other Sources
aka.Repository: akamatsu.org/repo.xml
AlliPodHax Source: ihacks.us/index.xml or allipodhax.3host.biz/index.xml
AlohaSoft 1.0.2 - homepage.mac.com/reinholdpenner/102.xml
AlohaSoft 1.1.1: homepage.mac.com/reinholdpenner/111.xml
AlohaSoft 1.1.2: homepage.mac.com/reinholdpenner/112.xml
Apple (not really Apple): applerepo.com
Apple Daily Times: www.appledailytimes.com/installer
AppTapp Official: repository.apptapp.com
Apogee LTD: apogeeltd.com
Blaze Official: blazecompany.googlepages.com/
BigBoss Beta: sleepers.net/iphonerepobeta
BlackWolf: m8an.de/ownrisk.xml (Extended Preferences)

Quảng cáo

Byooi Digicide: byooi.com/iphone/digicide.plist (Jiggy Apps)
CedSoft (iSnake/Bounce): prog.cedsoft.free.fr
Chris Miles Repository (iSolitare): iphone.rustyredwagon.com/repo
Conceited Software Beta: http://conceitedsoftware.com/iphone/beta/
CopyCoders: homepage.mac.com/hartsteins/copycoders/copycoders.xml (Network Apps)
dajavax: dajavax.googlepages.com/repo.xml
databinge: repo.databinge.com
DavTeam: davteam.com/repo.xml
Death to Design: iphone.deathtodesign.com
Digital Agua: repo.digitalagua.com
Dlubbat’s Apps: www.dlubbat.com/iphone.xml
Fight Club: dezign999.com/repo

Quảng cáo

FreeMyiPhone: pxl.freemyiphone.com/
Fring: fring.com/iphone.xml
Gogosoft Source: www.blackblack.org/gogobeta.plist
GravyTrain ’s Vault: iiispace.com/installer2.xml (Includes user submitted themes)
hitoriblog Experimental Pack: hpcgi3.nifty.com/moyashi/ipodtouch/repository.cgi
HighTymes: hightymes.org/iphone/plist/index.xml
iApp-a-Day: iappaday.com/install
Imagine09: home.twcny.rr.com/imagine09/Imagine09.xml
iBlackjack: iphonefanclub.com/native
iClarified: installer.iclarified.com
iPhone Cake: iphonecake.com/src/all
iPhoneDevDocs: idevdocs.com/install
iPhone For Taiwan (SummberBoard Themes): iphone4.tw/showme
i.Marine Software (Caissa): caissa.us
imimux Repository (Real Artist): imimux.com
iPhoneIslam: apps.iphoneislam.com
iPod Touched: ipodtouched.net/repo.xml
iPod-Touch-Themes.de: www.ipod-touch-themes.de/installer/repo.xml
iSpazio: http://repo.ispazio.net
iSwitcher (old): web.mac.com/iswitcher2/list.xml
iSwitcher (new) = MeachWare: meachware.com/list.xml
Jeremie Engel: rep.visuaweb.com
Jiggy Main Repository (Jiggy): jiggyapp.com/i
lazyasada: lazyasada.xeterdesign.com/repo.xml
Limited Edition iPhone: limitededitioniphone.com/lei.xml
Loring Studios: loringstudios.com/iPhone-schnapps/index.xml
McAfeeMobile Dev Repository: ipkg.mcafeemobile.com
MarcoGiorgini.com: marcogiorgini.com/iPhone/plist.xml
Makayama Software (CameraPro): tinyurl.com/2t8cax
MaomaLand: maomaland.com/iphone/repo.xml
Mateo (BeatPhone): bblk.net/iphone
McCarron’s Repo: patrickmccarron.com/irepo
MeachWare (new iSwitcher): www.meachware.com/list.xml
Mobile Stacks: mobilestack.googlecode.com/svn/repository/internal.plist
ModMyApple.it (iBirthday): www.serverasp.net/chiafa/MMA/repo.xml
Moyashi: hpcgi3.nifty.com/moyashi/ipodtouch/repository.cgi
MTL Repository: home.mike.tl/iphone
MyApple.pl: i.myapple.pl
newATTiPhone.com: newattiphone.com/repo.xml
NPike.net: http://apps.npike.net/repo.xml
Nuclear Design: nucleardesign.net/repository
Planet-iPhones: planet-iphones.com/repository
Polar Bear Farm: www.polarbearfarm.com/repo/
Polleo Limited: source.polleo.no
Private Indistury: brandonsgames.com/chriss/index.xml
Pyrofer’s Projects: pyrofersprojects.com/repos/repos.xml
R4m0n (iPhysics): iphone.r4m0n.net/repos
RiP Dev (Caterpillar): http://repository.ripdev.com/
Robota Softwarehouse: iphone.robota.nl
Sanoodi Repository: sanoodi.com/iphone
Saurik’s Coding Toolbox (Cydia): apptapp.saurik.com
ScoresPro: www.scorespro.com/iphone/repo.xml
scummVM: urbanfanatics.com/scummvm.xml
sendowski.de (MobileChat)sendowski.de/iphone
Shai’s Apps: ride4.org/shai.xml
Simek’s Graphic: simek.ddl2.pl
Skrew: i.danstaface.net
Slezak’s Stuff: www.spencerslezak.com
Smart-Mobil: www.smart-mobile.com/beta
Soneso Repository: soneso.com/iphone
SOS iPhone (ContactFlow): rep.sosiphone.com
Spiffyware: spiffyware.net/iphone
Studded: studded.net/installer/index.xml
Surge: iphonesurge.com/iphonesurge.xml
Swell: lyndellwiggins.com/installer/Swell
Swirlyspace: swirlyspace.com/SwirlySpace.xml
Touchmod Team: touchmods.net/rep.xml
Trejan: trejan.com/irepo
Trivialware: mazinger.cs.yale.edu/iphone-apps/index.xml
Unlock.no: i.unlock.no
weiPhone (weTools/weDict): app.weiphone.com/installer
Wiki2Touch: 168weedon.com/i/
Wizdom on Wheels (Common Website Links): iphoneapps.wizdomonwheels.com
XK72 Repository: http://xk72.com/iphone/repos/
ZodTTD.com Releases: zodttd.com/repo

Language Sources
Arabic: apps.iphoneislam.com
Chinese: iphone.org.hk/repository.plist
Danish: iphone.vildmedmac.dk/install
French: rep.sosiphone.com
FrenchIphone: rep.frenchiphone.com
German: sendowski.de/iphone
German aXP: lostsoul.aeroxp.org/iphone/index.xml
Greek: www.greek-iphone.com/grloc
Hebrew ?????: ihebrew.net
Hungarian: ifhone.hu/install.xml
Norwegian - iFon: install.ifon.no
Polish - iPolish: krzak.net/iphone
Polish - iPolish(1.1.2): wakoman.ovh.org/iphone
Português-Brasil(1.1.2): iphonemod.com.br/forum/repo/installer.xml
Russian iPhone.RU: iphones.ru/r
Russian iPhone ??-??????: russianiphone.ru/beta
Russian Tools (in English): russianiphone.ru/beta/en
Spanish Phyros iPhone-ES: iphone.frickr.es/index.xml
Swedish iFun.se: ifun.se/swe
Taiwanese: iphone4.tw/unlock
Thai: pradt.net/iphone
Turkish: niffob.com/triphone.xml
Vietnamese: iphone.billydragon.net

6 bình luận
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Xu hướng

add hết source này vào thì mỗi lần ngồi refresh source chắc mất luôn cả ngày quá , bác chủ topic làm ơn ghi chú vài dòng cho mỗi source, được vậy thì tốt quá , cám ơn bác đã post cho anh em tham khảo
17 năm
Tổng hợp Game
(*Chú ý: cần cài Installer.app vào máy trước nhá)


Chi tiết : Sắp xếp các ô số theo thứ tự
Add source Ste Packaging


4Balls v1.4
Chi tiết: Xếp 4 viên bi cùng màu thẳng hàng(chéo,ngang,dọc)
Add source Soneso Repository


AirHockey version 1.004
Chi tiết: Game dành cho 2 nguời, đẩy trái banh vào goal của đối phuơng
Add source : iSpazio


Chi tiết : Cho con cá bơi lòng vòng ăn đồ ăn, (game dỡ ẹt...)
Add Source : Ste Packaging source.


Chi tiết:Lắc iPhone cho traí banh chạy lòng vòng chơi. hoho
Add source Ste Packaging source.


Chi tiết : Hok bik chơi làm sao hít, ai bik chỉ dzùm nha. hahaha
Add source : Ste Packaging source.

Ver 1.0
Chi tiết: Dùng banh của mình đá trái banh của đối phuơng yo Goal
Add source: Soneso Repository.


Chi tiết: Di chuyển Khối màu đỏ ra khỏi mê cung.
Add source: Soneso Repository source.


Chi tiết: lắc iPhone để di chuyển cái luới bắt bướm.
Add source: Ste Packaging source

đang update.....

đang update.......

các bác co game hành động nào hay chi cho em một source. nhiều quá em chẳng biết chọn cái nào. em thì rất...gà về sử dụng iphone
nhieu wa kg biet chon cai nao ca hihihi
biet cai nao ma app lai bay gio day
14 năm
Game kim cương nằm ở source nào vậy ae?

Xu hướng

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